

-Qiao Jingjing: Can we set up a "family dream piggy bank" at noon? Every family member can save money for his little dream. Time: Dream piggy bank sounds interesting. We can use the money saved to realize our small wishes, such as buying a book or a small musical instrument. Qiao Jingjing: Yes, we can also set up a "family dream wall" where everyone writes down their dreams and attaches a piggy bank, so that they can see their goals every day. Time: Jingjing, can we start a "family health challenge for 100 days"? Encourage the whole family to stay healthy.You can also play family sports regularly, such as badminton, basketball or running. This can not only exercise, but also cultivate team spirit. " Jojo nodded and said. "Moreover, we can make family goals together, such as pleting a puzzle together, planting a plant or learning a new language." Jingjing added. "Well, we can encourage each other and grow together




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谭翊在末世一边砍丧尸一边摸爬滚打了六年,谁知竟得知自己曾给小姨舅舅一家双手奉上母亲留给她百亿遗产,吐血啊!接连又被所谓的亲爹继母害得惨死,一睁眼重生到了末世前。 极热、洪水、极寒、地震接踵而至,还没喘口气,变异丧尸又出现了! 这一次她要夺回自己的遗产,在天灾建可抵御核辐射的豪华地堡,囤货百亿! 天灾过后谭翊再次觉醒了异能,砍丧尸升级异能,建立自己的末世战队。 至于那些害死她的人,都末世了还怕报不了
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